gain more students with local schools

Leveraging Your Relationship With Public Schools to Enroll More Martial Arts Students

November 15, 20233 min read

Disclaimer: Not all school boards will allow companies to market to students. We encourage you to follow your local school district's regulations regarding companies offering extracurricular activities to students.

For any business, it is important to explore partnerships that can elevate your own business and offer value to another party. In the martial arts school world, we often see partnerships with local schools and other community groups. These partnerships not only open up another marketing channel for recruitment but also demonstrate to the community the value that martial arts can provide to children and their families. Today, we will go over some tips to help you build a relationship with your local schools and how you can leverage this connection to boost your marketing efforts.

Build a Connection with Local Schools

Building a connection with a local school can be achieved in multiple ways. There are many points of contact within a school that can open doors and get you a meeting with higher-ups to discuss how your martial arts school can offer value to students and the school itself. Often, our clients start with front office staff or perhaps a parent who knows a teacher or staff member. From there, you can donate food or supplies to these staff members and continue to learn more about the school and its leadership. Remember that this is a relationship-building process, so don't expect to land a meeting with a principal immediately. Offer donations during busy times of the year and continue to raise awareness that your studio exists and is willing to work with the school for the benefit of the students.

Using Donations and Fundraising to Build a Relationship with Public Schools

Another avenue to help build relationships with schools is by holding fundraisers and donation events for local schools. You can connect with a staff member at the school and let them know that donations and funds raised during your event will be given back to the local school to strengthen your commitment to the community. We highly recommend having a conversation with the school before hosting such an event so that they are aware you are doing it in their name. These events are typically held during holidays, but you can also organize them during the back-to-school period to help prepare kids for the school year ahead.

What to Say When You Have a Meeting with School Leadership

When you have forged a relationship with a school and secure a meeting with a principal or vice-principal, it is important to have a plan going into the meeting. This plan should outline exactly what you will be offering to the school. This can include fundraisers, donation events, "PE Teacher for a Day" activities, after-school programs, and preview courses. These specialized lessons should benefit the students primarily by getting them active and introducing them to basic martial arts skills. You will also need to ask if you are allowed to distribute marketing materials to students. Sometimes these materials will need to be altered to fit the school district's policy, so be sure to ask as many questions as you can about what is and is not allowed on handouts. Remember that this is an important relationship you are creating, so dress and speak professionally to ensure that the school can trust you as a partner.

Want to Learn More About Building Relationships With Schools?

At MAIA, we have helped hundreds of school owners connect with their local schools and community groups. With MAIA Elite, we take a hands-on approach to helping you establish connections with your local school district to ensure that everyone benefits from martial arts, especially the students. Our one-on-one coaching will provide you with the advice and resources needed to build these relationships. Learn more about what MAIA Elite can do for you here.

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Mark S.

Mark S. serves as MAIA's in-house digital marketing specialist, bringing to the table a wealth of experience exceeding five years in the realm of digital marketing. His expertise spans a spectrum of areas, including Pay-Per-Click (PPC), Social Media Marketing, and Search Engine Optimization (SEO). Mark's primary objective revolves around empowering martial arts school proprietors by harnessing the potential of online marketing strategies. His overarching goal is to elevate recruitment efforts and drive substantial revenue growth for martial arts schools through strategic digital marketing initiatives.

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